The revolution is begining to eat it self

You are next. The pig is the system I start with a comment from one of my best supporters David Mwesigwa “The very reason I like or hate about a revolution is when it starts,it eats its own and everything until it lastly eats itself.Uganda is in the last phase of that revolution that was started more than 30years back” First they came for Dr Kizza Besigye,you said he was an angry man. Then they came for the gay and lesbian people and you said you don’t give a damn because you are straight. Then they called the unemployed youth as rebels and social misfits you said nothing. Then they went for the Muslim clerics and called them terrorist you remained silent Then they slaughtered JPAM in Kyankwazi, skinned him in the caucus meeting and served him in Nambolee you all ate him. They battered journalist in broad day light for bringing you the dark news and you sat at home to enjoy watching ...